Stormwater system – City of Toronto

The project will provide tunnels to store and move stormwater to Black Creek via a new spillway, reducing repeated basement flooding in a high-density neighbourhood in Toronto. The project will connect to future separated sewer connections for the Fairbank Silverthorn project.

The project consists of managing water during shaft sinking, tunnel drilling and excavation work during construction of the stormwater system.

Location City of Toronto
Year 2023
System capacity : 23 m3/h


  • The quality of water extracted from the site is variable. Sludge dryness is unpredictable and must comply with specific and particularly restrictive criteria.
  • Water extracted from the site is variable and is impacted by the nature of the reconstruction work such as shaft sinking, excavation and drilling.
  • The lack of a dedicated, specialized water management operator requires the implementation of a simple, understandable treatment system and accessible technical support.
  • The space available for water treatment and settling is very limited due to the urban nature of the site.


  • Keep release of water at an acceptable level in accordance with City of Toronto environmental standards.
  • Ensure there are no site shutdowns resulting from non-compliance of released water after treatment.
  • Save on specialized operational labour.